Adult Faith Formation - help plan and provide oversight for Bible Studies, Book Clubs, Small Groups and special programs to assist adults in growing as disciples of Christ, If interested in serving, contact Adam Arehart
Altar Servers - young discIples (starting in 4th grade) assist in serving at Mass. If interested in serving, contact Fr. Phong
Altar Society - maintain the beauty of our Church through cleaning, maintaining plants, cleaning linens and vestments, If interested in serving, contact Christine Rauscher
Bereavement Ministry - provide programs, resources and opportunities for those who are grieving, especially through a "Monthly Coffee Talk" session. If interested in serving, contact Paula Potts
Building & Grounds Committee - create and implement a plan for the maintenance and improvement of parish buildings and property. If interested in serving, contact Dave Montvydas
Charismatic Prayer Group- the "People of Love" Prayer Group gathers Mondays at 7:15pm in Church to praise God through the gifts of the Holy Spirit and intercede for the needs of our parish. If interested in joining please contact Father Chris
Church Decorating Team - decorate the Church throughout the liturgical seasons, especially at Christmas and Easter. If interested in serving, contact Kara Hartey
Collection Counters - assist in processing the Sunday Collection in accordance with established procedures. If interested in serving, contact Ruth McCabe
Communications - assist the Parish Staff and Organizations in creating and implementing a comprehensive plan to communicate matters of importance to the parish on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. If interested in serving, contact Father Chris
CYO (Coaches, Admin, Service) - provide a comprehensive experience for young athletes to learn sportsmanship and other essential virtues for living as a Christian. If interested in serving, contact Fr. Phong
Eucharistic Ministry (Church) - assist in distributing the Holy Eucharist at an assigned Mass. If interested in serving, contact Stephanie Marcincowski
Eucharistic Ministry (Homebound and Institutions) - bring the Holy Eucharist to homebound parishioners, nursing homes or hospitals. If interested in serving, contact Ruth McCabe
Finance Committee - assist the Pastor in creating a budget for the Parish and maintaining best practices in regard to finances; there are opportunities to serve on Standing Committees as well. If interested in serving, contact Eleanor Kerwick
Greeters - welcome people to St. Cecilia at liturgies and events. If interested in serving, contact Sherri Ashenbrenner
Hospitality Sunday - provide “coffee and donuts” once a month on a Sunday. If interested in serving, contact Angie Bush
Hospitality(Other Events) - provide refreshments at parish events throughout the year. If interested in serving, contact Angie Bush
Humanitas - promote the dignity of every human life throughout the parish, affirming life from the womb to the tomb. If interested in serving, contact Chuck Kuhar
Live Stream Team - provide live streaming of Sunday Mass and other events from our Church. If interested in serving, contact Tom Leonard
Music Ministry - provide praise to God through voice and instruments at Sunday Masses and liturgies throughout the year. There are opportunities with the Adult Choir, Children's Choir, The Ensemble (Contemporary Music) and through varied instruments. If interested in serving, contact Colleen Mavroudis
O.C.I.A. - The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults help men and women seeking to become Catholic Christians; there are various roles meant to help these new members embrace and live the beauty of our faith. If interested in serving, contact Adam Arehart
Parish Event Planners - envision, plan and execute events for the entire parish to grow in fellowship with one another. If interested in serving, contact Mary Weymer
Pastoral Council (Next Gen Team) - create and implement the Parish Pastoral Plan. If interested in serving, contact Father Chris
PREP Catechists - teach children (ages 5 to 12) the ways of faith, hope and love as a disciple of Christ. If interested in serving, contact Eileen Litka
PREP Helpers - assist Catechists in a variety of ways in PREP. If interested in serving, contact Eileen Litka
Readers (Church) - proclaim the Sacred Scripture at a scheduled Mass. If interested in serving, contact Alyssa Jackson
School Volunteers - share time and talent at St. Cecilia School through a variety of ways (recess, lunch room, classroom helpers, and more). If interested in serving, contact Sister Ann Mark, IHM
Senior Citizens Gathering - Our beloved elders gathers on Thursday from 10am to Noon (September to May) in our Auditorium for fellowship, enriching conversation and games (food is served as well). If interested in serving, contact Kara Hartey
Small Group Leaders - facilitate a small group to grow as disciples of Jesus (training and assistance is provided). If interested in serving, contact Adam Arehart
St. Cecilia Serves (Giving Tree, Monthly Manna Food Collection, Gifts to Homebound, other efforts at Outreach) - provide a variety of services throughout the year to meet the needs of others. If interested in serving, contact Ruth McCabe
Ushers - provide a variety of services throughout the year to meet the needs of others.
Youth Ministry (Middle School; Young Life) - help students in 6th, 7th & 8th grade grow in the ways of faith. If interested in serving, contact Fr. Phong