The Finance Council is a consultative body to the Pastor. They assist the Pastor with advice and help in the financial aspects of parish and school life. They have the challenging work to plan and review an annual budget, set proper tuition rates, allocate resources, increase revenue and cut costs. They play a key role in our growing commitment to being good stewards. The council consists of the Pastor, Principal and appointed members.
The appointed members are: Joe Danella (Chair), Eleanor Kerwick, John McAleer, Sister Catherine, Joe McCloskey, Ashley McCauley, Dave Montvydas, Bob Rambo (Vice Chair) and Celine Severino.
The Council will meet at least four times a year. In addition there are four Standing Committees that will meet: Building and Ground, School Finance, Human Resources & Budget & Investments.
The Pastoral Council serves as an advisory group to the pastor. Their purpose is rooted in the Mission of the Parish and discernment into the opportunities and challenges to that Mission in light of present times. Once invited onto the council, each member serves for a three year term. At the discretion of the pastor, members may have their term extended by one additional three year period.
Members of the Parish Pastoral Council are to be active parishioners in good standing, whose foremost priority is the development of a company of faith that fosters Stewardship, Fellowship, and Good Worship. The council consists of 6 to 12 members.